Can You Really Trust the Bible? A Thought-Provoking Response to Atheists

Can You Really Trust the Bible? A Thought-Provoking Response to Atheists by Billy Hallowell, via CBN News

Can human beings truly trust the Bible? Is it reliable? One of the most frequent criticisms made by atheists and skeptics against the Old and New Testaments is that the texts are dated, antiquated and contradictory — and that they are a collection of books written by mere men.

But Mark Spence, vice president of outreach at California-based Christian ministry Living Waters, believes it’s entirely possible to put these critiques to rest, and that Christians shouldn’t be afraid to engage with those who question the merits of their faith.

READ ALSO: Want to Know How to Answer Atheists? Check This Out

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“Christianity’s intelligent. We have all the answers on our side,” he recently told’s “Pure Talk.” “We don’t need to run away.”

Spence believes “we can trust the Bible,” and he pointed to its interconnected history and reliable contents to bolster his point.

“This is not one book. This is 66 books written over a period of 1,500 years, by 40 different authors, three different continents with one central main theme: How does man avoid hell and come into relationship with his maker?” he said.

Watch Spence break down the Bible’s reliability below:

Spence is slated to equip Christians to learn more about the Bible when he speaks at the sponsored Answering Atheist conference (April 17-21) this Easter at the Ark Encounter attraction in Williamstown, Kentucky. It’s a conference that promises “four days of solid biblical teaching to equip you to stand confidently on God’s word.”

“We are going to come together and give people … some very practical ammunition to really think through their worldview — defend their worldview and be on the offense,” Spence said.

He noted that a young man once approached him and questioned why someone would trust in the Bible, especially since it’s a book written by men.

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