For All These Things Must Come To Pass…

For All These Things Must Come To Pass… by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

This life is continually moving and changing. If you are alive your life is doing the same. We do not stand still, we are either moving forward, backwards or sideways – we are not standing still. What are we doing? What should we be doing?

Beginning in 2009 there was a massive shift in how the days unfold. It was the first, in now a series, of moments of clarity. The moments were not an accident nor were they planned. No, these moments were from a Higher Power, a Power called Jesus Christ. The pieces within life were being moved around like pieces on a chessboard with the King of kings always being in the center and at the top. This was not always known, but that doesn’t make it any less true or authentic.

Over the past year there was another major shift in life. The project that was becoming a defining entity in life was closed, shut-down and turned off. This was a planned activity and the decision was not from within, but from without. The focus had to shift. The pieces on chessboard were being moved into another realm altogether, or so it seems. Today there is far more time spent reading, studying and meditating on the Holy Bible, the Living, Inerrant Word of God. Once a person begins to breathe in these Living Words there life changes in ways that is almost impossible to describe. It is so profound, so highly personal that what happens to the individual is only for that person and no one else. The relationship with Jesus Christ is so deeply moving that we can only attempt to show another person the door handle to open the door that changes their life forever. It is not something that we choose to happen, it simply happens. The longer we continually attempt to draw nearer to Jesus Christ the more we want to draw nearer to Jesus Christ.

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The Holy Bible is filled with incredible stories of God, His children and how our lives are to operate. If ever there was an “owners manual”, a “how-to” book, the Holy Bible is it. The beauty of God, that is found throughout His Word, is what we just discussed – highly personal and impacts each one of us in a way that only God can impact us. My experience is not for you. Your experience is not for me. We have our individual identities in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit delivers our Christ identity in community – meaning in front of witnesses – and it is has three distinct elements that are always the same. Other focused – outward looking, self-emptying – giving away what we have, unconditional love for our enemy – we only encounter brothers and sisters in Christ.

Those that are living in this world have seen some massive changes to the world over the past 3-4 decades. These changes are too numerous to list, but needless to say the world we move about in today is not the same world of 1960’s, 1950’s or beyond. No, something very dramatic has changed. Evil is right out in the open and doesn’t attempt to hide it’s face – it is right there in our living room whenever the TV is on. Whenever we send out children to public schools and, in some cases, something as simple as grocery shopping or walking down the sidewalk we encounter evil on a scale that was previously unknown.

This brings us to subject at hand – end times or the end of days and the seconding coming of Jesus Christ. Whatever your belief is there must be a recognition that our world has dramatically changed. Sexual deviants, crime, family life, church, school, community, work, food, water, air – all aspects of this world have changed and, in some cases, changed quickly and dramatically.

We could spend time listing the details of the changes but that would take us off course. The focus of this conversation is the current events in Ukraine and Russia. We aren’t flying the Ukrainian flag because we are Americans, not Ukrainians. We don’t fly the Russian flag, nor any other flag outside of the U.S. flag, for the same reason. We aren’t wearing yellow and blue, any more than we are wearing the colors of any other flag.

A few days ago Russia “invaded” Ukraine and began a campaign of killing people, blowing up buildings and all the other aspects associated with an invading army. What also happened was a response by the U.S. and other nations, some NATO allies and non-NATO allies. War and rumors of war, the apostasy of the church, global plagues, sexual misconduct, massive abuse of children and a host of other issues from the Book of Revelation that point towards the end of days and the second coming of Christ. All this is real, simply look around and anyone with eyes can see it, anyone with ears can hear it.

There are signs of the times the Bible tells us to be looking for. And in fact, Jesus likened it to labor pains in a woman who’s ready to give birth, the idea being the closer they get together, the closer you are to the birth. And as we see more signs—more things happening—they’re reminding us Christ is coming back again. Let’s go to Matthew 24. Source

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. ~ Matthew 24:6-7 KJB

We also find, in the Torah (Old Testament), references to Russia (God / Magog) as taking exception to Israel. It just happens that just prior to Russia invading Ukraine they announced, before the world at the February 2022 UNSC monthly meeting they no longer recognize Israel as sovereign over the Golan Heights region.

“Russia doesn’t recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights that are part of Syria,” it’s deputy ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy told the United Nations Security Council in New York, which held a debate on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Wednesday. Source

“Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the people that is with thee: I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured. Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord GOD. And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the LORD. So will I make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.” ~ Ezekiel 39:4-7 KJB

We live in interesting times and if one believes in the Holy Word of God, well, we seem to be on the cusp of something Biblical in scale unfolding before our eyes. Draw nearer to God at all times, stay close to your loved ones and pray all throughout the day and night, listening for the still small voice to guide your days, soften your heart to accept the love Jesus Christ is pouring over your life.

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