My friend and colleague Bernard Grover spotted this one and passed it along, together with an observation and high octane speculation that I want too share and flesh out a bit. The article concerns a recent discovery about stem cells: they can be turned into boneĀ using nothing but sound:

Scientists Can Now Turn Stem Cells Into Bone Using Nothing More Than Sound

Note what is involved:

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Stem cellsĀ have the superpower of turning into any other kind of cell ā€“ a superpower that some animals useĀ to regrow limbs; for medicine, they yield theĀ potential to help usĀ repair parts of the human bodyĀ that have been damaged by injury or disease.

Carrying out those repairs requires the ability to manipulate stem cells on demand, and a new study outlines an innovative way of doing just that: by using high-frequency sound waves to turn stem cells into bone cells in as little as five days, with 10 minutes of stimulating treatment per day.

Further down the line, the researchers hope this technique ā€“ which has several advantages over the processes that are in use today ā€“ could be used to regrow bone that has been lost toĀ cancerĀ or other types of degenerative disease.


Like all such technological developments, this one is being touted – rightly – as a breakthrough for sufferers from bone cancer and other issues. But Mr. Grover pointed something out in his email, namely, that while “very promising” the technology “also has myriad negative implications.Ā  Suppose you inject stem cells into folks living in a 5G cloud?Ā  Could you petrify someone in a matter of minutes?” For that matter, could one subject a developing foetus – human or otherwise – in the womb to certain types of sound in order to influence biological development in a certain direction?Ā  Here the answer would already appear to be a tentative “yes”, for as most readers of this website already know, human babies in the womb subjected to classical music – Bach or Mozart as opposed to Led Zeppelin – seem to “do better” once in school.Ā  The same thing has also been noted with plants, so it appears that it might be a universal biological phenomenon and Mr. Grover’s high octane speculation may not be as wild and woolly as it at first sounds. One can perhaps even conceive of molding stem cells by sound to respond, at a much later date, to certain signals in a certain specific way… as for example his speculation about petrification, or alternatively, losing all bone strength altogether.Ā  It would be a particularly pernicious form of biological warfare, provided one learned the right frequency to accomplish specific things.Ā  It’s as if sound, or if I may invoke both a more ancient and simultaneously quite contemporary pair of metaphors, could the “music of the spheres” and music itself be the “morphogenetic field” of biologist Rupert Sheldrake?

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