As omicron subsides, US vaccination rates collapse

As omicron subsides, US vaccination rates collapse By  for Vaccines

The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic is over, at least to Americans who are no longer getting “vaccinated” now that the omicron (moronic) variant has come and gone.

According to reports, jab rates in the United States are collapsing. The Associated Press (AP) reports that demand for the shots is “grinding to a halt” and “has all but collapsed,” especially in rural areas of the country.

Currently, the official government data suggests that the number of Americans getting their first dose of the shot is down to around 90,000 per day, the lowest point since the first few days of the Operation Warp Speed campaign that began in December 2020.

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In general, Americans are no longer worried about the alleged virus, which means they no longer care about rolling up their sleeves to have their DNA permanently modified.

The AP, of course, is lamenting this. The fake news giant claims that declining demand for Fauci Flu shots is some kind of national tragedy.

Its editors are blaming toothless rednecks in “deeply conservative” parts of the country for refusing to damage their immune systems with the injections. The AP admits that it is a “losing battle to get people vaccinated” in these areas.

Meanwhile, actual science shows that the injections do absolutely nothing to prevent moronic, and actually encouragemore of it to infect and spread. So much for “flattening the curve.”

Americans are done with COVID and the plandemic

Keep in mind that even the corporate-controlled media has admitted that neither the primary jabs nor the “boosters” provide any protection against moronic.

The Washington Post, for instance, agrees that coronavirus injection protection is “much weaker against omicron” compared to earlier alleged variants such as delta.

“People are just over it,” says Judy Smith, the administrator for a 12-county public health district in northwestern Alabama. “They’re tired of it.”

In Idaho, another right-leaning state, the number of people statewide who are getting injected rarely ever surpasses 500 anymore. Given, the population of that state is small, but this is a tiny figure.

Then we have Wyoming, the least-populous state in the country, where about 280 people statewide got their first injection in the entirety of last week. The plandemic is not all that popular there, either.

“People heard more stories about, well, the omicron’s not that bad,” said Executive Director Kathy Emmons from the Cheyenne-Laramie County Health Department in Wyoming.

Just a few months ago, Emmons said, people were lined up to get shot at the department’s headquarters. Now, the place is a ghost town.

“I think a lot of people just kind of rolled the dice and decided, ‘Well, if it’s not that bad, I’m just going to kind of wait it out and see what happens.’”

It turns out that this was the right strategy, seeing as how the unvaccinated are faring the best right now when it comes to health and immunity. The worst-off are those who panicked and rushed out for an injection or three, and are now suffering from vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS) or some other chronic health issue.

“To all of my fellow non-GMO humans who resisted the clot shot: cheers!” wrote someone at Zero Hedge in response to the news.

“Pureblood for life!” said another in response.

Someone else questioned the 90,000 per day figure, which seems way too high, especially for being the supposed low point.

“Way higher than I would have guessed, though I do know of two recent holdouts that just got jabbed this year,” this same person wrote. “Like the saying goes, ‘ya can’t fix stupid.’”

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