Shortages Are Getting Worse As The Global Supply Chain Crisis Enters An Ominous New Chapter

Shortages Are Getting Worse As The Global Supply Chain Crisis Enters An Ominous New Chapter by   for The Economic Collapse Blog

All of the shortages were supposed to be gone by now.  During the first half of 2021, the blind optimists were assuring us that by the end of the year the pandemic would be over, the spike in inflation would have proven to be “transitory”, the global supply chain crisis would be resolved, and the U.S. economy would be booming.  Of course the truth is that none of those things happened.  In fact, overall conditions are even worse than they were six months ago.  Now we are heading into 2022, and even the optimists are finding it difficult to say anything positive about the coming year.

What is 2022 going to look like if global supply chain problems continue to intensify?  Not since World War II have we seen anything like the long-term shortages that we are now experiencing, and for many people this has been deeply frustrating.

For example, a lot of pet owners have been dealing with severe pet food shortages for months, and those shortages just seem to keep getting even worse.  The following comes from a Wall Street Journal article entitled “The Pet-Food Shortage Is Real, and Owners Are Scrambling”

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After an online order didn’t show on time, Phyllis Pometta stopped at five different stores before she hit pay dirt. There it was on the shelf: beef stew-flavored dog food.

Ms. Pometta scooped up about four cans, which weren’t her preferred brand. She was desperate, with supplies of the food she usually bought for her dog nowhere to be found online or in stores.

These shortages are not just limited to a few areas of the country.

This is truly a nationwide phenomenon, and experts agree that it isn’t going to end any time soon.

Meanwhile, we are now being told that our nation is in the midst of “the great Candy Cane Crisis of 2021”

And now we’re apparently in the thick of what the New York Post has called “the great Candy Cane Crisis of 2021.” According to the outlet, some retailers haven’t been able to keep candy canes in stock, due to a combination of ongoing supply chain issues and a downturn in this year’s peppermint crop.

“We only received half of our candy cane order for the holiday season and sold out almost immediately. We currently have zero in stock,” Mitchell Cohen, the owner of New York City’s Economy Candy, told The Post.

I never imagined that I would be writing about a candy cane shortage in December 2021, but here we are.

And for those that like to get drunk during the holiday season, we are also facing a growing nationwide shortage of beer

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