Simple vitamin D supplementation could halt covid pandemic, research finds

Simple vitamin D supplementation could halt covid pandemic, research finds By  for Prevention

New research out of Germany has found that vitamin D supplementation could have prevented the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic – and could still end it now if only people would listen to the science.

Independent researchers identified a direct correlation between blood levels of vitamin D and risk of death from the Fauci Flu. The higher one’s serum levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD3), the lower the mortality risk from Chinese Germs.

In order to stay protected against infection, blood levels of 25OHD3 must be at least 50 ng/mL. This is why it is critical to have your blood tested if you are unsure what yours are.

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“Much research shows that blood calcidiol (25(OH)D3) levels correlate strongly with SARS-CoV-2 infection severity,” the study explains.

“The datasets provide strong evidence that low D3 is a predictor rather than just a side effect of the infection. Despite ongoing vaccinations, we recommend raising serum 25(OH)D levels to above 50 ng/mL to prevent or mitigate new outbreaks due to escape mutations or decreasing antibody activity.”

For the most part, the average person probably does not even know vitamin D levels can be tested. There is also confusion as to how much vitamin D is necessary to maintain optimal health as the government’s recommendation daily allowance (RDA) for many vitamins is far too low.

Vitamin D protects against “cytokine storms”

In almost every case looked at, the worst covid outcomes occurred in people with subpar levels of vitamin D. Conversely, people with high vitamin D levels tend to not get sick from covid.

This can be seen across the American population with southern states that get more sunlight having healthier residents than northern states that are getting colder and having much shorter days due to the winter season.

Florida, which is mostly open with minimal restrictions, is currently among the healthiest states in the nation. Vermont, meanwhile, which is almost entirely vaccinated, is seeing a spike in hospitalizations and deaths.

It turns out that 15 other studies were cited in the German study confirming much the same. The worst covid outbreaks are occurring among people with dismally low vitamin D levels, while those with optimal vitamin D levels are doing just fine.

The simple takeaway is that there is no need for masks, distancing, or “vaccines.” There is also no need to shut down the global economy and create absolute chaos. All that needs to happen is for people to go out in the sun or take vitamin D3 supplements – that is it.

Why does vitamin D specifically work so well against the Wuhan Flu? Part of it has to do with the nutrient’s ability to prevent a “cytokine storm” from occurring.

“This refers to the body’s immune system releasing too many toxic cytokines as part of the inflammatory response to the virus,” LifeSiteNews reports. “Vitamin D is a main regulator of those cells. A low level of the vitamin means a greater risk for a cytokine storm. This is especially pertinent for lung problems from COVID.”

Back in May, another study out of Germany found that vitamin D is protective against “infectivity and severity” of covid.

“There are a growing number of data connecting COVID-19 infectivity and severity with vitamin D status, suggesting a potential benefit of vitamin D supplementation for primary prevention or as an adjunctive treatment of COVID-19 … there is no downside to increasing vitamin D intake and having sensible sunlight exposure to maintain serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D at a level of least 30 ng/mL and preferably 40 to 60 ng/mL to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infection and its severity,” that study explained.

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