Are You Hitting the Mark In Spiritual Warfare?

Are You Hitting the Mark In Spiritual Warfare? by CHRISTINA PERERA for Charisma News

“Clank, clank, clank,” was all I heard.

I only saw blackness, but I knew I was in a battle by the sound of swords clanging. I couldn’t see my enemy, but I swung my sword again and again.

Suddenly, the Holy Spirit illuminated my vision to see the battle around me. I looked around and saw a massive field of warring angels fighting demonic forces.

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As I stood on the battlefield and wielded my sword erratically, I noticed the truth of the battle. During an extended season of sickness, I had a divine vision, and the Holy Spirit imparted revelation of how to engage in spiritual battle using new covenant truth effectively.

How many times amid a battle have you started throwing every Scripture you could find about your situation at the enemy? Has it left you exhausted and fruitless? My friend, that is the equivalent of wielding your sword haphazardly. In this episode of Revealing Jesus, you can discover the truth of spiritual warfare under the new covenant to win every battle.

To hear what the Holy Spirit showed me in this vision and how you can hit the mark and win every battle, listen to the entire episode of Revealing Jesus. Be sure to listen to the end for powerful prayer.

For more help with spiritual warfare, you can check out this great Spiritual Warfare Bible. Plus, you save 30% only through Charisma. For more insight, read “Effectively Wield the Word of God In Your Life To Win Every Spiritual Battle.

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