Serious adverse events in professional athletes skyrocket 6,000 percent following covid “vaccine” rollout

Serious adverse events in professional athletes skyrocket 6,000 percent following covid “vaccine” rollout by:  for Natural News

Young athletes all around the world are dropping dead in record numbers, and the obvious culprit is Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”

Ever since these abominations were released under “Operation Warp Speed,” serious adverse events in otherwise healthy professional sports players have skyrocketed 60-fold.

Some of their stories you can watch in the following video tweeted by Dr. Robert Malone, M.D.:

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“Now, in the comments of that tweet, you’ll see people say that ‘these events happen all the time,’” writes Steve Kirsch on his Substack. “True, they do.”

“But they don’t happen at this rate. No way. That’s the thing nobody can explain. The vaccine advocates find this super-irritating. They have no rational excuse on this. They can’t use ad hominem attacks. They can’t use goofball hand waving arguments. Nothing.”

Kirsch published a full list of all known cases of professional athletes who either dropped dead or suffered a heart attack while playing their sports (we also published a similar list).

One of the first things that sticks out is just how young most of these athletes were. Many were 15, 16 and 17 years old – still in high school, in other words.

Many others were in their 20s and 30s – basically the full gamut of ages in the professional realm of athleticism. These were healthy people, just to be clear, prior to taking the Fauci Flu jab regimen.

Older people are dropping dead from covid shots, too

Pro-vaccine fanatics are doing everything possible to divert attention away from this phenomenon, including by blaming it on cannabis use. The latest excuse, if you can even believe it, is that marijuana legalization is somehow responsible for teen athletes dropping dead on the field.

“Just one tiny little problem,” notes Kirsch. “[W]e’re talking a rate (of heart incidents) elevated by 6,428%.”

Cannabis has been around and in widespread use since the beginning of time, and yet this sudden phenomenon of heart attacks and other cardiovascular issues in young people only emerged at the current rate immediately after Chinese Virus injections were introduced.

Call me crazy, but the correlation in this case clearly translates to causation. There is only one factor that changed in all of these people’s lives and that is the fact that they took the shots as commanded by the government and paid the ultimate price.

While much of the media’s attention is focused on young athletes, Kirsch points out that older people are also getting sick and dropping dead from covid injections as well.

Data contained in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) shows that people young and old are developing heart problems at rates never before seen prior to Operation Warp Speed.

“What’s nice about the athletes is that it is right in front of everyone to see,” Kirsch says. “No arguments about under or over reporting. No arguments about causality. The control group is basically history.”

Many health care professionals have also come forward to verify these injuries and deaths, proving that they are not just anecdotes. Some say they have seen a 100-fold increase in cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, for instance.

“These monsters (big pharma, politicians and MSM) are killing people,” one person tweeted about all this. “Totally unconscionable to suppress this information, all for a vaccine that doesn’t work.”

A piece from The Exposé claims that teen deaths alone are up 125 percent compared to the five-year average in Ireland, all since Chinese Virus injections were introduced. So much for “safe and effective.”

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