It was Marie Antoinette who is famously alleged to have said that the peasants of France, suffering food shortages, bread shortages, and high prices, should eat cake: “Let them eat cake.” The current opinion is she probably never said it, but regardless of whether she did or did not, the statement came to epitomize the lack of empathy of the ruling class for the poorer and middle classes not only in pre-Revolutionary France, but pretty much everywhere else since then. Right now, we’re not even being told to eat cake. The political class simply laughs at us, and proposes that in order to cut down on climate change, we need to get rid of cow flatulence by cutting down on cattle ranching itself, and ala Baal Gates and other crony crapitalists, we’re being encouraged to eat insects and synthetic meat grown and 3-d printed in laboratories.

But there’s a fly in the print-out according to this story shared by K.M.:

Shares in Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Company Tank as Consumers Reject Bioengineered ‘Food’

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Now, I have a “high octane suspicion” about this story as to why this is going on that we’ll get to in a moment, but first, a few selections from the story itself:

Shares in the fake meat company co-owned by Bill Gates, Beyond Meat, have plummetted as growing numbers of consumers reject bioengineered “food.”

Despite an ongoing push from the global elite – who unlikely consume the stuff themselves but insist that you eat nothing else -, demand for lab-grown “meat” has slowed far beyond shareholders’ predictions.

On Wednesday, Beyond Meat Inc (BYND.O) forecast fourth-quarter revenue below estimates.

The move came as the once red-hot plant-based “meat” producer reported slowing demand in both grocery stores and restaurants.

The news ended up driving the company’s shares down by a whopping 19 percent in extended trading.

What interests me here are the reasons the article advances for the sudden drop in Mr. Gates’ “let them eat synthetic meat” plans:

Sales of its faux meat fell at fast-food locations when the Delta COVID-19 variant hit and labor shortages caused restaurants to cut hours and trim menus, Chief Executive Officer Ethan Brown said in an earnings call.

Sales to U.S. retail stores fell 15.6% to $52.4 million in the third quarter, Beyond said, while those to U.S. restaurants fell 7.3% to $15.1 million.

In October, McDonald’s Corp (MCD.N) said it will test a plant-based patty made by Beyond in its McPlant burger at eight U.S. locations.

Beyond is also working on products for other global chains including Pizza Hut and KFC, both owned by YUM Brands Inc.

So there you have it; once again it’s all being blamed on the planscamdemic. And, by the way, remember Pizza Hut and KFC the next time you’re thinking about ordering out…

Anyway, I strongly suspect there’s another reason, and it has to do with Gates himself. After all, he has been a big promoter of the planscamdemic-quackcine narrative. The problem with that is, if one is promoting a narrative and a “panacea ‘cure'” that many increasingly find objectionable for a variety of reasons – reasons like, oh, I don’t know, grizzly adverse reactions being  carefully avoided mentioning by the same lamestream propatainment media that likes to interview Mr Gates, or reasons like no-long-term studies of the effects of what big pharma is brewing up in its cauldrons, not to mention the lack of complete transparency on the ingredients in said potions – then one builds up quite a store of mistrust. If they’re willing to slip a few nano-particles and heart drugs into their potions and not tell you about it, or change the very definitions of “vaccines” themselves, and then exempt themselves from liability for what potential harm their potions cause, then they’re also possible of slipping a few ground up crickets or moths into their “synthetic ‘meat'” too, along with – oh, I don’t know – maybe a nano-assembler or two… who knows.

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