Prophetic Word From Jonathan Cahn: The Ominous Afghanistan Harbinger by Rabbi, Jonathan Cahn via Charisma News
The first book I ever wrote was called The Harbinger. It revealed a prophetic mystery and warning to America of coming danger.
In the last days of ancient Israel, nine harbingers, or prophetic signs warning of coming judgment, appeared in the land.
The Harbinger reveals that those same nine prophetic signs have now appeared on American soil—some in New York City, some in Washington, D.C.—some involving objects, ceremonies, national leaders, even presidents of the United States.

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When those nine harbingers appeared in ancient Israel, instead of returning to God, the nation responded with defiance and accelerated its fall and its war against His ways.
The nation was given a span of years to come back, but it went further and further away.
And then came the calamity of which the nine harbingers warned, judgment and destruction. The nation was wiped off the face of the earth.
What about America? Where is this all taking us?
The mystery I wrote about in The Harbinger hasn’t stopped. It has continued manifesting—and right now, we’re walking in the ominous footsteps of ancient Israel before its destruction.
In 2019 I had a strong sense that the following year 2020 would be one of great shaking. And it was because of that that I knew it was time to finally write the second part, the sequel—The Harbinger II—to reveal the next stage of the mystery. Two months after I began writing it, the shakings began—starting with the plague, COVID-19 that fell upon America and the world—and that was part of the mystery.
What I’m about to now open up comes out of those two books and goes beyond, because it hasn’t stopped moving forward—even to this day—so there will be things here I’ve never put into writing.
The first of the nine harbingers is that of the Breach: a great shaking comes on the nation that had once known God but had fallen and turned against Him. The shaking comes in the form of a strike on the land—the nation’s hedge of protection is breached—an enemy strikes the nation, and its buildings come crumbling down.
It was the first warning strike, a harbinger of national judgment and destruction that would come years later.
The strike came to ancient Israel in the year 732 B.C., and to America in 2001 on Sept. 11.
The second harbinger is the instrument through whom the shaking came. In the case of ancient Israel the attack was engineered not only by the nation’s enemies, but by terrorists—the terrorists of the ancient world—the Assyrians. The Assyrians were the inventors of terrorism, the world’s first terrorists and the fathers of all future terrorists.
So too 9/11 wasn’t orchestrated merely by America’s enemies—but by terrorists. The ancient terrorists were Middle Eastern. The terrorists of 9/11 were also Middle Eastern, coming from the same land as the ancient terrorists.
The ancient Assyrians carried out their attack speaking the language of Akkadian. Akkadian is extinct, but its sister language exists to this day. What language is that? Arabic. So 9/11 was carried out in the sister language of the ancient Assyrians.
The strike of the enemy on ancient Israel was a warning of judgment, a wake-up call to turn the nation back to God. Israel was then given a window of years to return to God, but it ignored the warning and instead of turning back became defiant and accelerated its apostasy.
And finally the judgment came: total destruction.
So the warning of The Harbinger is that without repentance and revival, America will follow the footsteps of ancient Israel—and its fall from God will accelerate.
What The Harbinger foretold is coming to pass. We are following the mystery of Israel’s last days. Since 9/11, America’s fall from God has only accelerated.
So what lies ahead?