Worship and the End Times

Worship and the End Times by Mike Bickle for IHOPKC

efore Jesus returns to this planet, there will be wars and rumors of wars and nation rising against nation (Matthew 24:6–7). And in the very end, there will be a great conflict between two opposing global worship movements which will have far-reaching influence around the world. Yes, the greatest conflict in human history will be in the collision of two worship movements at the end of the age. It will be intense as the power of Jesus and the power of Satan will be openly displayed before billions of people. The good news is that at the end of this conflict, Jesus will sit on His throne of glory in Jerusalem as the great King over the nations throughout the millennial kingdom—the 1,000-year reign where Jesus Christ Himself will personally rule from Jerusalem (Matthew 19:28Revelation 20:4–6).

Jesus is committed to raising up powerful, global, end-time prayer with worship movement. I use these two terms interchangeably because the end-time worship movement and prayer movement are really the same thing—two aspects of one reality. It will be powerful prayer that will flow within the context of anointed worship music.

Worship is True Warfare

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In this hour of history, the global Body of Christ is in a time of transition that includes moving from seeing worship primarily as that which personally refreshes us (which it does) to viewing worship as one of the primary activities that the Lord uses to destroy the works of Satan on the earth.

Worship surely results in personal spiritual refreshment, but there is more that happens. Worship does more than realign our hearts to feel His presence; worship realigns the earth to the will of God. It is one of the significant means that God chose to transform the earth and to usher in the billion soul harvest, the second coming of Jesus, and the millennial kingdom. The prophetic, end-time church will see worship as a top priority instead of merely a warm-up to the Sunday-morning sermon. The global end-time worship movement is the Church’s first line of defense against Satan’s activity.

The Holy Spirit is raising up the most powerful prayer with worship movement in human history. In the decades leading up to Jesus’ return, I believe there will be an anointed global worship movement that will release an unprecedented measure of God’s power (Isaiah 42:10–13). That worship will birth and usher in the millennial kingdom with Jesus Himself, on a throne on the earth, using the keys of the kingdom to bind Satan and call down the New Jerusalem.

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