A Yelling, Defiant Joe Biden Declares Victory in Afghanistan and Blames Americans for Being Left Behind

A Yelling, Defiant Joe Biden Declares Victory in Afghanistan and Blames Americans for Being Left Behind By BonchieĀ  for Red State

Joe Biden finally spoke today to mark the end of the war in Afghanistan. After showing up hours late for the originally scheduled event, something that has become a habit for this president, Biden took to the podium. What transpired was surprising and shocking at times.

He delivered a cold, blame-shifting speech in which he simultaneously claimed there was no disaster in Afghanistan while blaming others for the disaster in Afghanistan. Little of what he said made sense, and at the beginning of the speech, Biden yelled as he read the teleprompter in what can only be described as an incredibly odd scene.

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The president also tried to claim victory, lauding his handling of the bungled withdrawal that ended up costing the lives of 13 US service members and countless Afghans (he also never mentioned the names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice last Thursday). Yet, just minutes later, he changed his tune and blamed Donald Trump for supposedly tying his hands. The incoherence was both breathtaking and infuriating as he continued on, staring glassy-eyed at the teleprompter, desperately trying to insert emotion into his shrill, robotic voice.

Things only got worse from there. After trashing the Afghan people in another attempt to deflect responsibility for his failures, Biden then let it rip on the Americans who are now stranded in Afghanistan. Instead of taking responsibility for his broken promise that troops would stay in Kabul until everyone was evacuated, the president blamed those left behind.

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