Question the Narrative of the Ruling Party

Question the Narrative of the Ruling Party By for American Greatness

If the bipartisan ruling elite has the truth and facts on their side, why do they resort to censorship and threats of prosecution?

If nothing else, the entire Afghanistan debacle playing out in real-time has shown that the administration of Joe Biden and his band of misfit wokesters is a joke. Except this joke isn’t funny.

This incompetent regime couldn’t execute a war and withdrawal against real terrorists in Afghanistan, handing over billions of dollars in weapons to them. But it thinks that people who question arbitrary mask mandates, potential vaccine passports, and have legitimate questions about the 2020 elections are the real terrorists.

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The latest Department of Homeland Security bulletin is a prime example of how this administration twists the thoughts and fears of half of the U.S. population into a warning of potential violence. Conveniently, they neglected to mention any heightened threats of violence as a result of actions taken by organizations like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. No, the real threat is people who are tired of wearing masks and question the legitimacy of an extremely suspect presidential election.

The last line in the DHS bulletin warns readers: “Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.”

Let’s be clear: the DHS bulletin wasn’t a bulletin; it was a threat, as in a read-between-the-lines threat. If you’re a conservative and have the wrong political beliefs, you might be taken to be a terrorist. If you don’t line up with everything this administration and administrative state experts tell you, you might be a terrorist. So shut up.

We’ve come to the point where daring to question the narrative of the ruling party, in classic fascist style, is verboten.

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