TRUST THE SCIENCE? by Jim Quinn for The Burning Platform

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”Friedrich Nietzsche

“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me.”George Carlin

The pronouncements from the world’s favorite science troll, who hasn’t told the truth since March 2020 when he told the world masks were useless in stopping a virus from spreading, are coming fast and furious as more and more people ignore the fear propaganda. Alpha!!! Delta!!! and now Lambda!!! We’re all going to die unless we allow Big Pharma, with no liability for killing or maiming you with their experimental gene therapy, and totalitarian politicians to inject us with a concoction which doesn’t keep you from contracting covid or spreading covid. But it may kill you, give you a dose of blood clots, or a touch of myocarditis.

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Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Pasaki and the rest of the Biden apparatchiks are liars, frauds, and fear mongering whores for Big Pharma. Fauci is the father of covid. He created it with his illegal gain of function funding, partnering with the communist government of China and is responsible for all the death and economic destruction wrought over the last eighteen months. He should be tried, convicted and executed for crimes against humanity. History should lump him with the likes of Josef Mengele and other mass murders.

He continues to lie on a daily basis and the cucks in the corporate propaganda media never question his lies or push back in any way. They are co-conspirators in this authoritarian attempt to override the Constitution and enslave you in a pharmacological techno gulag. The merger of Big Government with Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Finance and Big Corp endangers the rights, freedoms and liberties guaranteed to citizens under the U.S. Constitution.

They are pushing the country towards inevitable violent conflict by using their powers of coercion to force people to inject a substance into their bodies they do not need and do not want. For what ultimate purpose, we do not know. But we do know it is not about your health or the health of others. The current fear narrative being peddled by Fauci and Biden is the dreaded Delta variant, previously known as the Indian variant. Did you ever wonder why they had to rename the Indian variant? The chart below is why.

The panic porn media was running non-stop horror stories about India and the bodies piling up in the streets back in May. At that time less than 4% of the Indian population had been vaxxed. Even today it is only 7% of their 1.3 billion people. The talking heads, and Fauci, all pointed to India as a humanitarian tragedy in the making – using it as their fear tactic for getting the jab. But their narrative fell apart in a matter of weeks and you no longer hear about India on the nightly news.

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