A Sign and a Symbol (Video)

A Sign and a Symbol Video by Chrion Last

GNN Note – really interesting info. If you are familiar with “Q-Anon” or “Q” movement as the media calls it, this will put a whole new light on the “movement” and what is going on. From October 2017 I turned away from wasting time with the nonsense. It seemed like a lot of work for no reward. Well, turns out, there is an ending, just not the one the Q people have in mind.

It makes perfect sense. If you follow Q or know of Q then you know you must follow this trail, then another trail, followed by still more trails – like walking through a one of those zig-zagging lines at a sporting event, music event or other large scale gathering of people. You know, where we are treated like the cattle devil sees us as.

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Check the upload date (01.02.2015 … long before the first Q drop on 28.10.2017).

One example of a word combined with its external symbol which gives us an indication of occult principalities at work.

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