Texas Pastor Ed Young Warns ‘Woke’ Christians Against Jumping on ‘Cultural Hype Trains’

Texas Pastor Ed Young Warns ‘Woke’ Christians Against Jumping on ‘Cultural Hype Trains’ By  for Faith Wire News

Ed Young chuckled to himself, realizing the backlash he’d soon receive for warning “woke” Christians against jumping too quickly onto “cultural hype trains.”

Sure enough, within a matter of days, Young, a megachurch pastor in Grapevine, Texas, was dragged repeatedly on social media for — in the eyes of his detractors — failing to recognize the difference between the phrase “black lives matter” and the official organization. The irony, the predictable reality Young was laughing to himself about just days before, is their comments were in response to a video in which the Fellowship Church pastor explained the difference between the three-word phrase and the organization, endorsing the former and disavowing the latter.

“‘Woke’ Christian leaders and pastors today are jumping on the ‘hype train’ of what culture is currently applauding,” said Young. “But they don’t really look at what the hype train is connected to. For example, many of the things culture applauds are connected to relativism, abortion, transgenderism, the breakup of the nuclear family.”

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Photo by Julian Wan/Unsplash

Photo by Julian Wan/Unsplash

One example of the “hype train,” the preacher said, is the Black Lives Matter movement, according to a report from The Christian Post.

Young explained he “wholeheartedly agree[s]” with the phrase, adding, “I believe in it and the church should champion it. We should stand up for equality and justice. I believe we need to lead out.”

“But I can’t support or agree with the core beliefs of the organization Black Lives Matter,” he continued. “It’s tied to abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, and the breakup of the nuclear family — just to name a few. So I’m not going to hashtag that phrase, because whenever someone hashtags something, they need to hash it out through Scripture, and they need to understand what the people who have started the hashtag are actually living out and what solutions are they recommending.”

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