13 States that Have Ruled Unborn Babies Are Children

13 States that Have Ruled Unborn Babies Are Children by Kayla Koslosky for Christian Headlines

Last week, New York state shocked the nation by passing an abortion law that allows pregnant women to terminate their pregnancies up until their due dates. The progressive law is the first of its kind, but New York appears to only be the first of many states who are considering adopting similar legislation. New York now has the most radical abortion law in the nation, and while abortion is nationally legal under Roe v. Wade, many states have written their laws to define unborn babies are human beings.

Here is a list of 13 states that define the unborn as people.


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Alabama made headlines in 2017 when they declared that an unborn baby was a person. The States legislation that declares this claim was passed into law in 2006 and says that a person, as defined under their criminal code, is “a human being, including an unborn child in utero at any stage of development, regardless of viability.” Any person who intentionally causes harm to the mother causing her to lose her unborn child or who causes direct harm to the unborn child can be charged with criminal homicide or homicide. While Alabama does consider an unborn child a person, this law does not apply in regard to abortion.

Photo courtesy: Pixabay


As a part of its criminal code, Arkansas defines the term “person,” to include “an unborn child in utero at any stage of development.” The Dust Bowl state also gives the term “unborn child” parameters by deeming that life begins at conception. The legislation reads: “‘Unborn child’ means offspring of human beings from conception until birth.”

Again, these laws do not apply to pregnant women who choose to have abortions, but they do make an important distinction of when the state believes life begins.

GNN Note – Happy to report where we live made the list!!

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