Moving In the Right Direction – Shuttering of Abortion Clinics

Moving In the Right Direction – Shuttering of Abortion Clinics By  for Faith Wire

GNN Note – We are seeing this trend globally. People have come to the realization that murder is not the best option. Of course, the satanic globalist pushing the whole abortion meme are going to fight as hard as possible to lie about the reality of this situation. Adoption was and is the only real viable option for women that find themselves pregnant and don’t wish to be a mother. Bring the child to term and allow someone that feels better suited to raise a family the opportunity to share life.  This is the conclusion that people all around the world are reaching and it is making the eugenist lose their mind and I love it!!!


Pro-Life Victory: One Third of Independent Abortion Clinics in US Have Closed Since 2012

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Nearly one third of all independent abortion clinics in the U.S. — those not affiliated with Planned Parenthood — have shuttered since 2012, according to a new report.

The number of independent abortion clinics fell 32 percent since 2012, from 510 locations to 344 as of November, stated an analysis from the Abortion Care Network, which “supports abortion care providers to ensure they are able to provide exceptional care to the individuals, families and communities they serve.”

The report revealed a majority of abortions — 58 percent — take place in independent clinics. Planned Parenthood is responsible for 37 percent. In addition, doctor’s offices and hospitals account for 4 percent of abortions.

It should be noted the ACN considers a clinic to be “closed” even if it remains open but stops providing abortions.

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