What Makes Our Money Corrupt?

What Makes Our Money Corrupt? by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

The grain is a measure of weight dating back to the days of antiquity. Its roots are firmly planted in the Bronze Age, when this unit of mass was used to correlate to the weight of a single grain of barley. The equivalent today is 64.79881 milligrams in the troy, avoirdupois, and Apothecaries weight systems, and is the only such unit that maintains its equity across those three widely used weighing formulas. Source

If you read the paragraph above there are two things that stand out. First, the weight of grain has been used since the bronze age. If you can find some unadulterated grain today (nonGMO, organic) you would find the grain (probably barley) to be within a whisper of the weight of grain in the bronze age. God does not need to reconfigure grain, however, man does for his own selfish gain (GMO, conventional)

The other outstanding items are the three different systems of weight. What makes these important is two-fold. They are universally accepted formulas and they are basically the accounting system for the weights of the most important raw, or base, materials that create most of the “stuff” in our life or creates the medications to support our life. It might be important these are both universally acceptable and they have the history and stability that invoke confidence in people around the world.

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Coinage Act

If you read the Coin Act of 1792 within the Constitution of the United States of America you will find the reference to the weight of grain as it relates to the currency and money of this once great nation. The weight is specific and is associated to weight of silver and gold. Silver and gold were the money and daily use currency of this nation for until the mid 1900’s; 1964 specifically. We are looking at silver being removed from the coins.

Fiat is defined as “an authoritative or arbitrary order : DECREE“. Or said another way – completely made-up, without merit and forced upon people. You know like what happened to our currency on December 23, 1913. Our coins were completely devalued in 1964. Silver dollars, half dollars, quarters and dimes were all made with 90% silver. The weight of silver was weighed according to the troy ounce system – a globally accepted weighing system – which was tied directly to the weight of grain. Grain and silver are both products of God, not man.

Coming Into The Light

Once a person comes to know about how currency and money work they are always angry. It is one of the greatest unveilings a person can experience. The mask comes off, the lies become clear and it leads a person on a journey walking towards freedom and liberty. There is not a single person that I have spoken with, interacted with on social media or sat down with in an interview that hasn’t had the exact same experience as is described above – 100% of the people that I personally have spoken with all had were awakened on a very deep level of understanding.

Our currency touches every aspect of our life. Everything the currency touches is forced to become corrupt. If whatever the currency touches does not become corrupt the lie the currency is telling becomes fully exposed. This is slowly happening right now. People are beginning to realize what has happened. Over the past several years, is nothing more than a lie. What happens next, after the veil is lifted, all the other lies also come rushing to the light. A massive awakening happens with the person and they want to tell everyone all about the lies. Then they quickly realize, while there are a lot of people coming into the light, basically, there are more people perfectly happy to sit in the dark. We have to remember some people do not want to be bothered with a bunch of “nonsensical conspiracy theories”.

Keep questioning, keep strong in your beliefs and keep strong in physical gold and silver. Gold is money and everything else is credit, JPMorgan famously said. Guess what? Nothing’s changed. Gold is still money and silver is still money and currency, just not in the manner in which we the people are allowed to use.

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