1776 Runs Into 1984 As America Crumbles Like Rome in 475 AD

1776 Runs Into 1984 As America Crumbles Like Rome in 475 AD by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network The image above says “Conspiracy”. It does not say “theory”. We are not discussing theories but we are discussing conspiracies. Conspiracy, as defined by Merriam-Webster – the act of conspiring together or an agreement among conspirators or a group of conspirators. As you will read and hear the definition fits perfectly with the material presented. Below is a series of videos that individually will blow your mind, collectively they should anger…


What You Should Know About King Solomon

What You Should Know About King Solomon by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall Q. Who were King Solomon’s parents? A. Solomon was the second child born to Israel’s King David and his wife, Bathsheba. God orchestrated their first son to die shortly after birth to punish David for the scandalous and immoral circumstances surrounding the baby’s conception. (See Vol. 99.) Q. When did King Solomon reign? What was his age when he became king? A. After the death of King David, and then with the help of Mother Bathsheba, Solomon ascended to the…


British government-funded research to explore use of “nudging techniques” to encourage people to EAT BUGS

British government-funded research to explore use of “nudging techniques” to encourage people to EAT BUGS By Laura Harris for Franken Food.news A government-backed research center in the United Kingdom is set to employ “nudging techniques” to encourage the public to adopt insect-based foods and other alternative proteins in their diets. The National Alternative Protein Innovation Centre (NAPIC), set to open at the University of Leeds in northern England and funded by U.K. Research and Innovation (UKRI) will explore subtle methods to promote “meat alternatives.” NAPIC, which secured 23 million British pounds ($30.2 million) in funding from multinational…


Oh My Soul – Live at The Ryman (Video)

Oh My Soul – Live at The Ryman Video by Casting Crowns / Katy Nichol Oh my soul Oh how you worry Oh how you’re weary from fearing You’ve lost control This was the one thing You didn’t see coming And no one would blame you though If you cried in private If you tried to hide it away So no one knows No one will see If you stop believing Oh my soul You are not alone There’s a place where fear Has to face the God you know…