Faith – The Still Small Voice of Substance and Evidence

Faith – The Still Small Voice of Substance and Evidence by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network When Jesus Christ approached the disciples just before He ascended He ask them to wait for the Holy Ghost to fall upon them. And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.…


Recovery: Born Again Into A New Life

Recovery: Born Again Into A New Life by Randolph Jason for The Recovered Word The greatest Healer in this world is Jesus Christ. If people are to recover from all kinds of addictions, healed from sex issues of all kinds and realistically face grief, anxiety, eating disorders, TV addiction, gambling addiction and a host of other issues Jesus Christ is the model to use to walk people out of, not only these issues but any situation. Prior to the book Alcoholics Anonymous being published in 1938, Bill W. and Dr.…


Angels Among Us (Video)

Angels Among Us Video by Jamey Johnson I was walking home from school, on a cold winter day Took a shortcut through the woods, and I lost my way It was getting late, and I was scared and alone But then a kind old man, took my hand, and led me home Mama couldn’t see him, oh but he was standing there And I knew in my heart, he was the answer to my prayers Oh I believe there are, angels among us Sent down to us, from somewhere up…