The Lie Is…You’re All Alone by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
“God has always been in community“…Father, Son and Spirit. There has never been a time when God has been alone. There has never been a time when God was not in community. We are not to be alone. We are to live in community. We were made for one another.
Ask yourself this – where did all the division, that we see on TV, social media, corporate and state policies and everywhere we turn, what makes this so important to place every person in their own box? Is the purpose the destruction of community?
This group has their thing, that group has their thing, the other group is something else and everyone screams at each other instead seeking common ground and harmony with one another. No, we are not talking about a kumbaya moment, we are talking about adults showing respect, showing trust and living in a community, a relationship with other adults that may or may not be the same as ourselves but having enough decency about ourselves that we can be civil.
Would this not be the exact opposite of community? Yes, yes it would. Who do you think would thrive in this environment? Who would direct the weak minds, broken hearts and tattered souls to do such a thing as this? Could it be the enemy of humanity, you know, the devil? Whether you believe in Jesus Christ, Heaven and hell or not, you must admit what we are currently living through seems like some principalities, powers, rulers of darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places the whole world over. If you can’t currently see it please awaken more sooner than later and take a look around.
“Word of God, Spirit of God and People of God”
…and being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. ~ Acts 1:4-5 KJB
We have discussed Identity countless times over the past several years. We are very passionate about who we are, what we are. We believe this is the single most important aspect of our faith. It is the central theme of Jesus Christ’ message of being reborn, born again, being made new, all things old being made new, a new creature, you shall be my sons and daughters. All of these, and a great many more phrases, run through the Holy Bible. We are made new because the old us was not living the life we were intended to live! We were focused on self instead of God.
Who can be in the Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Heaven? All are welcome, all that believe on the name of Jesus Christ are welcomed in. It’s not hard. We must believe in our heart, that’s the difference. Empty words mean nothing to anyone, but to God, who knows our heart, He already knows just how empty the words can be coming from someone that doesn’t believe at the time.
God wants to be with us, with each of us, all of us. He wants nothing more than to be with the people that He, Himself, created. He created us to glorify Him. God wanted, from the beginning, for His creation to live in communion with Him.
A big part of our belief must be an understanding and an acceptance that God will provide all we need, all we want and all there is in the Kingdom. God’s Word is where we learn about how it all works, what God’s commandments are, what makes them important. As a matter of fact God’s Word is actually designed in such a way as to begin developing community from the beginning. We need other people to help us walk through the Word of God. How cool is that? What an amazing design. Simple, beautiful and serves the very purpose of His creation and all that is the Kingdom.
We are designed to be with one another, however, the more social media and TV that people consume the greater the divide between us. Everyone in their box, “stay in their lane” and live by “my truth” instead of the Truth. Are you living in community with your family, neighbors, church family, work family and social events? How else will others see followers, believers of Christ see how life works, what community looks like and how it functions? They can’t.