Lies That Kill – Essence of Collapse X by Randolph Jason for The Recovered Word
Give them bread and circuses, and they will never revolt.
Juvenal (circa 55–127 A.D.), Roman poet
When a community becomes distracted they are much easier to control. They are also under a spell from the enemy of humanity himself. Once this takes root in a handful of people more and more people continually pile on, a herd begins to form and more and more simply follow the herd. Before you know it, we’re no longer talking about a community but rather a region, then a nation and if the minds are weak enough the entire world can be impacted. If you don’t think this is possible remember when Juvenal wrote the quote above he was looking at the entire world – the Roman world, which covered a vast portion of what we call today Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.
As we look around and see what is happening in our communities there are far too many people preoccupied with things of little to no importance. Sports, known as “circuses”, TV, gambling, food exercise and a host of other time wasters that keep our eye turned away from what is truly important, like God, family and community.
There is another segment of society that is run by their emotions. This group is not concerned with facts, statistics or research, they simply regurgitate what the TV has told them to say. They speak these sound bites as if they mean something or as if they have some connection to themselves or to reality. The sad truth is the words they speak are neither connected to the individual or to reality itself. These people are fed these sound bites as a simple way to make this group sound informed and knowledgeable of current affairs. Another sad aspect is this segment of society is growing at an ever increasing pace.
When government begins making up statistics, produces information and labels it as “research” then publishes it for the general public, the media arm of government begins spewing this information in small, digestible pieces for the weak of mind and weak of conscience to share with their family, their friends and coworkers as if it were truth.
We just recently published a very detailed report on this exact topic. We looked at how the media arm of government spreads a story then the weak minded run with it and forget anything and everything else concerning that particular topic/subject.
We looked at how the opioid crisis has swallowed all the headlines when it comes to drug addiction, drug problems and, most importantly, drug overdoses/deaths. A tragedy for families that are dealing with other issues within the confines of their home. Issues like alcoholism and other forms of drug addiction, minor mental health issues and so many other situations that it becomes overwhelming to some and completely freezes others from researching or even asking simple questions.
With approximately 178,000 deaths in 2023 directly related to alcohol it is easy to see how damaging to families, communities and beyond this drug has become. By comparison opioids in 2023 killed between 104,000 and 128,000 people (waiting for the final numbers from the CDC). While the number of opioid deaths is staggering, it is far less than the number of alcohol related deaths. At the end of the day the loved ones of the lost aren’t concerned with how it happened, most, if not all want it to stop so that others don’t have to go through the same unnecessary heartache, pain and loss.
With our society completely divided and everyone in their own little box it makes it even easier to be controlled, distracted and lose sight of what is actually happening around us. The tsunami of information that we are inundated with on a daily basis is not helping either. When important information becomes hijacked and we are fed only one story of many how can we possibly know what the truth is or where to find it? The answers to some difficult questions are easily lost, easily overlooked and worst of all never materialize.
We will continue this line of thought in the days ahead. If anyone is struggling and needs to talk please send us an email and we can swap phone numbers and begin a true dialogue. God bless.