Come Jesus Come (Video)

Come Jesus Come Video by Stephen McWhirter

Sometimes I fall, to my knees and pray
Come, Jesus come, let today be the day
Sometimes I feel, like I’m gonna break
But I’m holding on, to a hope that won’t fade

Come, Jesus, come
We’ve been waiting so long
For the day You return to heal every hurt and right every wrong
We need You right now
Come and turn this around
Deep down I know, this world isn’t home
Come, Jesus, come
Come, Jesus, come

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There’ll be no war, and there’ll be no chains
When Jesus comes, let today be the day
He’ll come for the weak, and the strong just
The same
And all will believe, in the power of His name

Come, Jesus, come
We’ve been waiting so long
For the day You return to heal every hurt and right every wrong
We need You right now
Come and turn this around
Deep down I know, this world isn’t home
Come, Jesus, come
Come, Jesus, come

One day He’ll come, and we’ll stand face to
Come and lay it all down, ’cause it might be today
The time is right now, there’s no need to wait
Your past will be washed, by rivers of grace

Come, Jesus, come
We’ve been waiting so long
For the day You return to heal every hurt and right every wrong
We need You right now
Come and turn this around
Deep down I know, this world isn’t home
Come, Jesus, come
Come, Jesus, come
Come, Jesus, come

Come, Jesus, come

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