It’s Time to Ignite the Lions in the Church

It’s Time to Ignite the Lions in the Church by MARIO MURILLO for Charisma News

The best advice I can give you about 2024 is this: do not go after predictions about what will happen—go after God and make something happen.

Never have I been more solemn about anything I have ever written. Never have I felt the need to risk whatever credibility I may have with you. I am going against the grain of making predictions.

Many predictors are driven by the desperate need to console the weary American church.

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They are talking the way they did before the pandemic and before the Biden debacle. They are telling you that we are about to be relieved and no longer on a war-footing. They are saying that we can now return to a peacetime church culture.

Do not let them distract you.

Not only are they horribly wrong—their message will leave you open to the attack of the enemy. Their words may be sweet to the taste, but in the end, they will be bitter in your stomach (Rev. 10:9). Do not let them distract you from contending for a national miracle to chasing predictions.

We as American Christians and patriots must become a united army in a desperate battle. The most important thing to impress upon an army is the reality of the threat. There is no way around it. Army of God! You must have it drilled into you that we are facing a long and hard road ahead.

We as the American church no longer need to have our ego stroked. We need someone to raise our morale as we prepare for war. Winston Churchill faced this very task. On May 10, 1940, Germany invaded France and the Netherlands. That same day in England, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain stepped down from his post, and King George VI tapped Winston Churchill to replace him.

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