An open letter to the British Heart Foundation

An open letter to the British Heart Foundation by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack

How can you possibly have overlooked the COVID vaccine as a possible cause of the huge rise in excess deaths? The evidence is in plain sight.

Dear British Heart Foundation,

I just finished reading an article in the Telegraph entitled “Critics claim Covid jabs are causing heart problems – do they have any proof?” where you were quoted as saying:

The British Heart Foundation told The Telegraph: “The scientific consensus is that the benefits of Covid vaccination, including a reduced risk of severe illness or death, far outweigh the very small risk of rare side effects like myocarditis or pericarditis for the vast majority of people, especially as people get older.

I was wondering if your staff would be open to publicly discussing this statement with me and a team of expert cardiologists including Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra as well as MIT Professor Retsef Levi (the senior author of Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave and Dr. Ryan Cole, one of the few pathologists in the US who specializes in COVID vaccine pathology?

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The evidence is in plain sight; why are you ignoring it?

There is a large amount of evidence in plain sight that your recent comprehensive report on this subject has completely missed. The evidence shows that the COVID vaccine is, in fact, the most likely cause of all the cardiac issues experienced throughout the world. It is the elephant in the room.

To our utter astonishment, the COVID vaccine wasn’t even listed as a possible cause of cardiac death in the report, even though we can clearly show it is the major driver of the increased number of events.

For example, this analysis by the brilliant UK Professor Norman Fenton shows that the only thing that correlates with the excess deaths is the COVID vaccine. Did he get it wrong? Your comprehensive document never refutes his analysis. In fact, I haven’t seen anyone anywhere in the world show that he got it wrong and provide the correct analysis. Why do you think that is?

After the Schwab paper proved the COVID vaccines can kill people by damaging their hearts, where was the outcry from the British Heart Foundation? Did I miss this?

Where is the call to halt the COVID vaccine program in your report? It appears it was overlooked.

I have more data. Lots more data.

There was a study done on 175 people who got vaccinated in Puerto Rico. Do you know how many were diagnosed with myocarditis after the shot? The number will knock your socks off. I guarantee it. It makes the 29% rate of heart injury post-vaccine in the Thailand study look like rounding error. I’ll share the data with you when we meet.

I think it is telling that nobody in the world accepted my offer to bet $1M that the vaccines killed more people than they saved. Not even the drug companies were willing to risk money on this.

In short, nobody in the entire world is willing to put their money where their mouth is when it comes to their statements on vaccine safety and efficacy.

That should give you pause… if the vaccine is so safe, why isn’t anyone willing to bet on a “sure thing” bet to get $1M?

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