Franklin Graham’s Stirring New Year’s Message Warns of ‘Anti-God Agendas,’ Says Things Will ‘Get Worse’

Franklin Graham’s Stirring New Year’s Message Warns of ‘Anti-God Agendas,’ Says Things Will ‘Get Worse’ By  for Faith Wire

The evangelist Franklin Graham penned a stirring New Year’s message on his Facebook page this week, noting the world “seems to be imploding” with “anti-God agendas” on the rise.

And Graham believes the situation is poised to get even worse, as he detailed the many woes facing the U.S. and other nations across the globe.

“As we begin 2023, the world we live in seems to be imploding,” he wrote. “A brutal war is bringing suffering and death in Ukraine with every day that passes. Senseless violence is rampant across the United States.”

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He continued, “Anti-God agendas that once hid in the darkness are now proudly out in the open, demanding acceptance.”

Graham, who heads the Christian relief organization Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, an organization spreading the work of his late father, went on to warn that socialism, among other issues, is also plaguing developing nations as is rampant secularism.

“Developed nations are being overtaken by socialism, removing God from anything and everything in the public square,” he wrote. “And if you think things are bad, just wait — they’ll get worse.”

Graham then explained how Christians should react to these troubling patterns, imploring believers to tell others about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

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