Jonathan Cahn’s 2021 Prophetic Warning to Joe Biden Has Come Full Circle

Jonathan Cahn’s 2021 Prophetic Warning to Joe Biden Has Come Full Circle by James Lasher for Charisma News

Throughout the centuries, Christian leaders have stood up and spoken out against apostasy within the church. It has happened time and again, often leading to a splintering of the church, continuing on its path towards destruction or repentance.

But what happens when a nation become an apostate?

When Jonathan Cahn first warned President Joe Biden that his plans to enact legislation that supported abortion, same-sex marriage and the transgender movement would bring about more judgement on America, there was still hope that the President would not go down that dark path.

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“We stand in a most critical moment,” Cahn explained. “Mr. President, President Biden, you have called for unity and peace, but how can a nation have unity and peace when it wars against the very foundation on which it stands. How can a nation have unity and peace when it has turned against the God who has brought it into existence, and it has turned.”

Rabbi Cahn calls to light the sins that America has committed that grieve the heart of God and go against His very nature. Killing innocent children in the womb by the millions, redefining the genders that God created in His image and committing acts of lawlessness and sexual immorality on a scale that would leave ancient Rome shocked, all opened up the door for harsh judgement against America.

Now, in a disappointment to believers across the world, President Joe Biden not only chose what side he is on, but celebrated legislating sin into America.

On Dec. 13, 2022, President Biden invited activists and drag queens from across the country to celebrate the forced compulsion of states to recognize same-sex marriage.

To commemorate the event, The White House was lit up in a rainbow for the world to see.

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