DC-Area Sheriff Stops Cooperating With Federal Immigration Agency After Attending Leftist Event

DC-Area Sheriff Stops Cooperating With Federal Immigration Agency After Attending Leftist Event By ProTrumpNews Staff  for The Gateway Pundit

This is terrible. 

Arlington County Sheriff Beth Arthur is no longer voluntarily cooperating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Her office won’t contact the agency about releases at its facility and will not recognize voluntary requests from ICE.

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The Hill reported:

The Arlington County sheriff’s office announced on Tuesday that it has ended its voluntary cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Sheriff Beth Arthur said her office will no longer recognize any “voluntary requests” from ICE and will not contact the agency about releases from its facility, starting on Tuesday.
“I am extremely passionate about my role as Sheriff which includes ensuring the safety and security of the individuals in our custody as well as the citizens of Arlington County,” Arthur said in a letter to the coalition of community groups that advocated for the policy change.

“I pride myself on making informed decisions that benefit the communities I represent, which has led me to making the changes noted above,” she added.

She made the decision after attending an event by pro-immigration groups.

he Epoch Times reported:

The sheriff said she made the policy changes after she attended a community event organized by some pro-immigration organizations including La ColectiVa, Legal Aid Justice, and the National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild.

“I listened to the concerns and impacts with an open mind, and I have also consulted with my attorney, and carefully considered all the information that was given to me,” she said in the letter before he elaborate on the details of his policy changes.

How does this make life better for American citizens?

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