Why You Need to Start Paying Attention to the ‘Twitter Files’

Why You Need to Start Paying Attention to the ‘Twitter Files’ BY KEVIN DOWNEY JR for PJ Media This is an article to show your haughty, “know-it-all” brother-in-law who thinks our government is somehow squeaky clean. 1.THREAD: The Twitter FilesTWITTER AND "OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCIES" — Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 24, 2022 The “Twitter Files” have now officially had more sequels than Planet of the Apes and can be difficult to absorb. Thus, I don’t think they’re getting the attention they deserve. For those of you not following the “Twitter Files” drops,…


Fueling Great Relationships with Others (Video)

Fueling Great Relationships with Others Video by Focusing On The Family Dr. John Townsend offers practical ideas for how to tank up on relational nutrients in your relationships and how to contribute to the lives of others for emotional and spiritual health. He describes the types of people who are needed on your “life team” to help you grow – and others who need to be held at arm’s length, as you seek balance in your relationships with friends and colleagues.


Can I Be Healed?

Can I Be Healed? from CBN.com If you are suffering from a disease, an injury, or a chronic medical condition, you may wonder if you can ever be healed. The Bible has good news for you! While doctors and medicine are a gift of God – and He certainly uses them to bring healing – His power is infinitely greater than any human wisdom or prescription. In fact, He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within…


Top 4 shocking ingredients in CIGARETTES dissected and explained – no wonder 35 million Americans can’t figure out why they’re so addicted

Top 4 shocking ingredients in CIGARETTES dissected and explained – no wonder 35 million Americans can’t figure out why they’re so addicted By Herbal Remedy Insider for Ingredients Sure, everybody has at least heard that there are all kinds of “chemicals” in commercial cigarettes, and that cancer sticks got that nickname for a reason, but even a non-smoker would be shocked to find out what is really driving the addiction, besides just nicotine. There are 4 shocking ingredients in cigarettes, that have been used for over 50 years, that most people…


Positive lifestyle changes can help reduce cancer risk and boost the overall health of cancer survivors

Positive lifestyle changes can help reduce cancer risk and boost the overall health of cancer survivors By Zoey Sky for Super Foods Studies show that following a balanced diet, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight are key to reducing your risk of developing some common cancers and improving the well-being of cancer survivors. These good habits can also protect against other chronic diseases like heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. However, making changes can be difficult if you are used to an unhealthy lifestyle. If you’re struggling to maintain your habits, experts…


Ye Know In All Your Hearts…

Ye Know In All Your Hearts… It’s easy to love the Lord, our God, when times are easy. It’s easy to say that we will keep His covenant and His laws when their is a gentle breeze and bright sunshine upon our face. The Israelites proved this time and again as they traveled the desert in their long season before entering the land of milk and honey. The Israelites also proved, beyond question, that when the gentle breeze has become a roaring wind and the sunshine upon their face has…


DC-Area Sheriff Stops Cooperating With Federal Immigration Agency After Attending Leftist Event

DC-Area Sheriff Stops Cooperating With Federal Immigration Agency After Attending Leftist Event By ProTrumpNews Staff  for The Gateway Pundit This is terrible.  Arlington County Sheriff Beth Arthur is no longer voluntarily cooperating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Her office won’t contact the agency about releases at its facility and will not recognize voluntary requests from ICE. The Hill reported: The Arlington County sheriff’s office announced on Tuesday that it has ended its voluntary cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Sheriff Beth Arthur said her office will no…


C.S. Lewis’ Atheism and ‘Argument Against God’ Were Totally Imploded by Stunning Realization Leading Him to Christ

C.S. Lewis’ Atheism and ‘Argument Against God’ Were Totally Imploded by Stunning Realization Leading Him to Christ By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire GNN Note – C.S. Lewis is one of the great theologians that helped shape my life. Thank you, God, for always using the appropriate “fisherman” to help bring people to Christ for all of time. / END Stage actor Max McLean has a long history of bringing renowned author C.S. Lewis’ literary creations to life, portraying the theologian and his projects. McLean’s film “The Most Reluctant Convert,” which…