Apologist Dismisses Biblical Critics’ Claims, Details Proof For the Virgin Birth: ‘Put Your Faith and Trust in the Evidence’

Apologist Dismisses Biblical Critics’ Claims, Details Proof For the Virgin Birth: ‘Put Your Faith and Trust in the Evidence’ By  for Faith Wire

Jason Jimenez, an apologist and host of the “Challenging Conversations” podcast, recently commenced an episode of his show with a fascinating question: How many of you believe in the virgin birth?

It’s an essential inquiry in an era hyper-focused on the material and the self — and one obviously worth pondering during the Christmas season. Apologists like Jimenez also believe this is especially important to tackle during a time when secularism rages and progressive ideologies dismiss basic biblical tenets.

In laying out compelling evidence, Jimenez contended, despite increased skepticism in some circles, the Gospel narrative “is credible” and people “can trust the virgin birth story,” pointing to Scripture, dating, and other key research to make his appeals.

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“You can put your faith and trust in the evidence that we have surrounding it,” he said.

Listen to Jimenez knock down claims Jesus’ birth narrative was stolen from other religions while also providing a robust defense of the virgin birth:

Jimenez contended belief in the virgin birth is an “essential doctrine of the Christian faith,” explaining how the incarnation — Christ’s coming in human form — forms the basis of the Gospel narrative.

When it comes to these beliefs, Jimenez said people today are left with two options: understand the authenticity of these sentiments or throw them out entirely. And he detailed some of the “liberal-minded scholars” who have opted for the latter, attempting to explain why their views skirt the facts.

“If you are a biblical Christian … you believe that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for [your] sins, we believe that He perfectly came in the form of a human being,” Jimenez said. “That he is the God-man, fully God and fully man.”

He specifically pointed to Matthew and Luke, who explore Jesus’ birth in stunning fashion in the Scriptures and detailed some of the dates he believes are essential to understanding the virgin birth and the overarching authenticity of the Bible.

While Jimenez said people will often claim the virgin birth is folklore or a copycat story that evolved over time, he rejected those arguments and explained how the Gospels were written early on during a time when eyewitnesses who saw Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection were still living.

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