Open Borders Signals The End Of America

Open Borders Signals The End Of America by  for The Blue State Conservative

Disgusted and angry to one’s very core. That’s what all American patriots should be who see the all out invasion of America by millions of illegal aliens, as hundreds of thousands and many millions are making the journey to our Southern Border right now.

It seems as though Americans are so weak on the whole that they simply sit back, unwilling to raise a furor or gather en masse along the border to stop this incredible mounting catastrophe for all America, for surely they can see the lie behind the Biden regime’s assurances via Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that the border is secure. Thousands of more illegal aliens from all over the world have been massing in line at the El Paso port of entry alone, since last Sunday, December 11, 2022, and yet, still little or next to nothing from the general public.

At least the people of Croatia and Hungary had the backbones to gather along their borders to erect barriers and push back on illegal Muslim immigrants who were fleeing the war torn Middle East in 2015. And they were only getting a fraction of migrants that America is receiving today.

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Pass one law. Pass a hundred laws for the purpose of stopping illegal immigration and securing the border. It won’t mean a damned thing, since these new amerikkan communists under the banner of the Democratic Party banner and a lawless Biden regime are already willfully breaking existing, perfectly good U.S. immigration law — good when it has actually been followed in the past — in order to purposefully undermine America and create a society that rejects America’s founding principles in favor of a socialist authoritarian government.

Although the Biden regime has touted some two million encounters of stopped and returned illegal aliens under Title 42 and Title 8, the reality is that this regime has simply paid it lip-service and refused to follow even these legal paths properly, with over two million entering America each year that Biden’s people have been in control — 2.76 million in fiscal year 2022 — along with more than one million “got aways” entering over this period — closer to two million by other estimates. From the earliest days of his administration, Biden has fought to end Title 42.

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