Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 2020 Election Case Dismissal for “Lack of Standing”…Sent Back to Lower Courts

Georgia Supreme Court Reverses 2020 Election Case Dismissal for “Lack of Standing”…Sent Back to Lower Courts By Brian Lupo for The Gateway Pundit

GNN Note – If these people get sued, that means there will a “discovery process”. In the discovery process, unveiling the crimes, this should lead to the overturning of the 2020 Presidential and Senate elections. Removing both Biden and Warnock from their current position.  / END

Back in October, The Gateway Pundit reported on a ruling that came down from the Georgia Supreme Court that essentially gave voters the right to sue election officials:

Unlike federal law, however, that injury need not
always be individualized; sometimes it can be a generalized
grievance shared by community members, especially other
residents, taxpayers, voters, or citizens.

The case was the Sons of Confederate Veterans et al. vs Henry County Board of Commissioners.  The case was originally used by the Georgia Court of Appeals to dismiss VoterGA’s ballot case in Fulton County.  However, the Sons of Confederate Veterans case ended up in the Georgia Supreme Court where the above cited opinion granted voters standing to sue as community members with a generalized grievance.

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President Donald Trump Truth’d out the article about this ruling:

Today, the Georgia Supreme Court granted a petition for certiorari and vacated the previous judgement in Jeffords et al. v. Fulton County et al.

The Georgia Record was the first to report on this huge ruling:

This is one of two major wins in the movement for election integrity and figuring out what truly happened in the 2020 election and in the 2022 midterms (in Arizona with the move to trial in Lake v Hobbs).  Jeffords et al v Fulton County et al is a case supported by and Garland Favorito that is challenging the county to provide physical paper ballots for tabulation and inspection.

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