Who were the first people to publicly demand a halt to the COVID vax program?

Who were the first people to publicly demand a halt to the COVID vax program? by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter

The people who called this early are the people that the authorities should be listening to now.

Executive summary

Were these the first people to publicly call for a halt to the COVID vaccines? Who else should be on this list?

  1. Mike Yeadon
  2. Steve Kirsch
  3. Robert Malone
  4. Byram Bridle
  5. Bret Weinstein

Mike Yeadon

On May 15, 2021, Mike Yeadon gave a public speech where he said the vaccines should be pulled (see this video at 11:20).

Steve Kirsch

On May 25, 2021, I risked my job and my reputation by publicly, in writing, calling for a halt to the COVID vaccine in a long op-ed in TrialSiteNews. I also called out Tony Fauci, among others, for his role in the disaster. I was unaware of Dr. Yeadon’s work at the time, but I used a very similar method (looking at VAERS).

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Note: I used the word “pause” in the op-ed because the editors at TrialSiteNews told me that “pause” would be more acceptable to their reader than “stop.”

Here’s the proof from the Wayback machine:

You can read more about my story here including a link to a PDF of the original articleand my attempts to bring public attention to the problem.

Byram Bridle

On May 26, 2021, Byram Bridle announced in a CCCA call the biodistribution data that he obtained from the Japanese government showing the vaccine didn’t stay in the arm. He later did various media spots to get the word out after the CCCA meeting.

Robert Malone

On May 30, 2021, Robert Malone published an op-ed in TrialSiteNews about the ethical problems with the vaccine.

Bret Weinstein

After the CCCA call with Byram (which by sheer luck I happened to be on), I contacted Bret Weinstein and requested an episode to expose this. He said it would be better if there was someone with medical credentials who would say the same thing. I offered that Robert Malone would be the perfect choice so that people would take what we had to say seriously.

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