America, We Can Choose Not to Tolerate Weirdos

America, We Can Choose Not to Tolerate Weirdos by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall

GNN Note – As a follower of Jesus Christ we should not tolerate people that refuse to grow up, that refuse to accept an omnipotent God and we should refuse to tolerate people attempting to destroy the fabric of our society.
But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person. ~ 1 Corinthians 5:11 NKJB

As followers of Jesus Christ we go into the world to meet the sexually immoral and to share the Gospel with them. If they are not willing to hear, to accept, we move to the next. / END

Somehow we got to the point where we’re expected to just nod politely when freaks, strangeos, and perverts turn up in positions of great responsibility. Well, that needs to change. Whether it’s some “non-binary” bondage mutant who oversees America’s nuclear waste betwixt bouts of luggage larceny or an Army colonel who – and yeah, this happened – masks up as a leather sex puppy in uniform on social media and who, along with junior officers, also dressed as carnal canines, forms what I guess would be an erotic litter. And then there’s the everyday parade of creepy groomer oddities teaching our kids – actually, indoctrinating them – who are so proud of it that they go post videos of themselves bragging about the gender confusion and woke nonsense they spread. Time to stop accepting the idea that we need to pretend weirdos are not weird.

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You know, this whole live and let live thing has outlived its usefulness, not least of all because that concept never applies to us normal people who like family and church and not dressing up as OnlyFans Lassie. There is a big difference between sending the cops to break down the door of Colonel Colliecoupler’s kennel to roust the secret sex pack and refusing to let a grown man who thinks it’s cool to dress up as a bondage beagle and have sex with similarly costumed people lead American soldiers.

These are bad things, and people should not do them. You should not assume some non-existent sex and rip-off baggage, or bump paws with other people dressed up in Doberman drag, or come into a classroom with green hair, a bolt through your nose, and a desire to invent new pronouns so you can turn kids into baffled basket cases. These things are not okay, and we have no moral obligation to give those who do them jobs of great responsibility. In fact, through all of human history, until like five years ago, mankind understood that crazy people should not be empowered, and we got along fine without the contributions of dudes with mustaches dressed like Lola Falana swiping Samsonites off the baggage claim conveyor belts of every airport from LAX to DCA.

It’s not hard. Say it with me.

You are a weirdo, and being a weirdo disqualifies you from any kind of serious job

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