Roger Stone Tells Eric Metaxas: ‘A Demonic Portal Opened Above the White House’

Roger Stone Tells Eric Metaxas: ‘A Demonic Portal Opened Above the White House’ by James Lasher for Charisma News

Spiritual warfare is nothing new for Christians.

The Bible discusses it at length, and just how important it is for a Christian to engage in it with the proper edification in place (Eph. 6:11-18).

Using wisdom in discernment of situations is also instructed throughout the Word of God.

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On a recent interview on The Eric Metaxas Radio Show, host Eric Metaxas brought up an interesting statement that his guest, political activist and strategist Roger Stone, said to him prior to the show.

“I think that… a portal, a demonic portal, opened above the White House around the time that the Biden’s moved in,” Stone said. “This was brought to my attention by a Christian who lives in north Florida who sent me a bunch of documents and also a bunch of notations from the Bible about portals.”

Metaxas responded to this revelation of Stones with skepticism, and rightfully so.

“Well… I mean you should start out by being skeptical. That sounds… that sounds insane to me.”

Stone continued with the discussion, and just what exactly convinced him that this was no far-fetched hoax, but a real occurrence in the world:

“So, I was skeptical about it, but I looked at the photos. Also, there’s a live cam where you can actually see in real-time and there does appear to be something above the White House… At first you say, ‘Oh, maybe it’s a reflection. Maybe it’s an aerostat balloon. Maybe there’s a logical [explanation.]'”

Having his curiosity piqued, Stone reached out to a friend who works as a police officer in Virginia to investigate the situation.

“He called me back about two-and-a-half hours later and said, ‘You’re not going to believe this, but there’s definitely something there. Other people were there photographing it,'” Stone claimed.

Metaxas clarified that this original occurrence happened approximately eight months ago and confirmed with Stone that he believes it is still there.

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