Did you know that in Santa Clara County, the vaccine works 10X better than the rest of the world?

Did you know that in Santa Clara County, the vaccine works 10X better than the rest of the world? by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack

But County Health Official Dr. Sara Cody isn’t telling anyone the trick.

I cannot figure out why the NY Times, 60 Minutes, and the CDC aren’t all over this story. Don’t they care about saving lives? If they are, then why am I the guy writing about this, and not them?

Dr. Sara Cody, Public Health director of Santa Clara County, has achieved the impossible: a COVID vaccine death rate that is more than 10X lower than everyone else.

Check this out… it’s in full public view:

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In other words, if you are lucky enough to live in Santa Clara County, CA, the vaccine is highly effective against COVID:

  1. 17X lower rate of hospitalization
  2. 22X lower death rate

Also, in Santa Clara County, the vaccine doesn’t kill anyone (all-cause mortality), because they don’t track that.

Sounds pretty darn good right?

So here’s the big question… the UK government just put out a report on Dec 1, 2022 created by experts looking at data worldwide which concluded that all three of the major vaccines (see Table 4a on Page 14) can only reduce your risk by 2X for hospitalization and 2X for death and that’s for all three vaccines.

Because I’m a critical thinker, I can’t sleep at night because I wonder:

  1. If Santa Clara is telling the truth, why the heck isn’t everyone coming to Santa Clara to see how they pulled off this miracle?
  2. If Santa Clara is lying about their data, how come nobody is calling them out on that?

Also, since there was no tracking of all-cause mortality, is it possible that the vaccine killed off people susceptible to the spike protein thus making the remaining people (who are now vaccinated and alive) appear to be more resistant to COVID, i.e., selection bias? After all, more people died from the vaccine than the placebo in the Pfizer Phase 3 trial as those of us who actually read the paper know.

Is it OK to have multiple versions of the truth?

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