Deeper Than We Thought: The Stench Has Reached Heaven by Shane Idleman
Whether it’s Balenciaga sexualizing children and degrading every piece of moral fabric left in our society, or men dressed as women encouraging kids to place money in their G-string, our sickness is worse than Sodom and parallels the days of Noah.
Pushing Porn Goes Unpunished
If these are the things in the light, can you imagine the horrors taking place in the dark? Clearly, our stench has reached the heights of heaven, and only a powerful move of God can awaken us from spiritual death.
As just one of many examples, the American Library Association is allowing material designed to groom children into their libraries as evidenced in a training video that shows how they collude with the LGBT movement. They must be held accountable for the porn they are pushing.
Attacking Gender is Child Abuse
As everyone knows, the innocence of our children is being attacked on many fronts. One of the biggest travesties is the attack on biological gender. Recently, the famous toy company Mattel published a book for young girls that is part of their American Girl product line. The book encourages young girls to consider puberty blockers and to seek advice from people who are not their parents. This is child abuse and should not be tolerated.
The Weapons of Their Warfare
Words can build up and tear down, comfort and convict, challenge and change. Sadly, many on the radical left are using new catchphrases to intimidate their enemies and push their agendas. As one glaring example, they are slowly redefining pedophilia with the innocuous phrase “minor-attracted.” God help us!
Here are just a few weapons of their warfare. Don’t be intimidated or retreat because of them. We cannot be shamed into silence. Truth sounds like hate to those who hate the truth.