A truly pastoral approach to LGBT persons must acknowledge sin and proclaim the truth about sexuality by Louis Knuffke for Life Site News
GNN Note – 100% Agree. Otherwise, you are the problem with the spread of the lie “love is love”. / END
Authentically Christ-like outreach to homosexuals and gender-confused people requires stating what sin is and recognizing the healing power of God’s grace.
Amid rising LGBT identification and homosexual sin, Catholics must make clear to people in LGBT lifestyles that they are gravely offending God and that He can heal their disordered inclinations.
In addition to a public and firm opposition to the LGBT agenda for the sake of our country, our marriages, and our children, a genuinely Catholic perspective on the matter cannot neglect the need to take a pastoral approach to individual persons. Such an approach, however, must be grounded in reality and in divine revelation if it is to be truly Christian.
Supernatural charity is not charity if it is not grounded in the truth, both the truth that reason can understand on its own and the truth that God Himself has revealed. It is the same God who created the natural order, who has also revealed what man must do to attain salvation, and who died on the Cross to obtain the graces necessary for that salvation. Â
A few basic truths about the power and workings of grace must be understood clearly, then, to develop a truly pastoral approach to LGBT persons. Â
Grace and virtue heal, elevate, and order more perfectly in accord with both right reason and faith. They presuppose what is natural, correcting, raising, and perfecting it.
God can heal disordered LGBT orientations
In sexual sins that deviate from the order of virtue, desire itself is still natural—the natural inclination toward the opposite sex remains intact. Grace and virtue heal by turning this natural desire to what pleases God in a faithful and fruitful marriage and family.Â