The Baby Will story by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack
GNN Note – The image above is NOT Baby Will, it’s a photo of another baby. / END
I just finished a Zoom interview here in New Zealand and the most important topic was the Baby Will story. If you haven’t heard about it, here’s the synopsis and where to find more info.
Executive summary
Will Savage-Reeves is a 4-month old boy in New Zealand who is in need of heart surgery to repair pulmonary valve stenosis. His parents Samantha (Sam) and Cole want him to have the surgery but they insist that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not received the COVID-19 jabs. This blood is available but the doctors refuse to allow the parents to make this request, arguing that vaccinated blood is perfectly safe. There is also an effort by the hospital to have the guardianship of the child revoked and transferred to government authorities so that doctors can operate using vaccinated blood.
This is an important case and there are good arguments on both sides.
Presumably, the hospital’s argument is that:
- The quality of the match is critically important. Using a large donor pool allows the best match.
- The standard procedure is to use blood from the blood bank for surgeries. If there were a safety signal from using vaccinated blood for transfusions, it would have surfaced by now.
- If they agree to use unvaccinated blood, it could be interpreted as an admission that vaccinated blood is not safe and could lead to everyone requesting unvaccinated blood which would then create severe blood shortages for a dubious benefit.
I just got off the phone with Peter McCullough to get his take. He said he’d take the vaccinated blood because of the critical nature of the matching process. With donor blood, the match quality would not be as good because there is a smaller pool to draw from and it’s not just blood type that is matched. Nobody has quantified the risk of using vaccinated blood. He said if the risk were high, it would have been noticed by now (I’m not sure I agree with that; there is a lot of willful blindness for anything associated with the vaccine).
A key piece of the puzzle: I have not heard that the doctors have made the “match quality” argument so this could be a non-issue in this case. That’s important. It makes the parents’ argument more compelling since there is no downside to using unvaccinated blood.
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