Choose You This Day…

Choose You This Day…

Our Creator, God in Heaven, sent us His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from ourselves. Who among us is willing to tell others of this Good News?

Is this not one of the main tenants of being a follower, a believer in Jesus Christ? Why is this such a challenge for most of us? Could it be that we are approaching people in a way that shuts them down or doesn’t allow them to hear what is being said? If we approach someone and our technique doesn’t work should we accept that encounter as a failure or should we examine what happened and make a slight adjustment?

What has been happening over the past fourteen months has been nothing short of eye-opening. Men that most people would never think would have anything to do with Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible or forming a deep relationship with God, are exactly the people that have been coming to God by the truckload. What most people would see as nothing more than a hardened criminal, a murderer, a rapist, drug addict or worse are exactly the people that Jesus Christ came to save. These are exactly the people that Jesus Christ called our neighbors.

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Love truly conquers all. When a person hears their name, as Robert C. Lee once stated, is the sweetest sound to the ear. When a persons name is combined with words like, love, respect, proud, needed and wanted there is an instantaneous change in that persons demeanor. Give it a try and watch how the person listening begins to change right before your eyes. Love and “being proud” of someone are words that are rarely used in today’s society. These words are vital to making changes in another persons life. The number of grown men, ages 30, 40 and above that have said no one in their life has ever said they were proud of them is astonishing. It changes a person and once they hear these words in combination with their name they actually begin listening, and hearing what is being said to them. Then they become a lot more receptive to hearing about Jesus Christ.

We need more conversations about the Gospel, about Jesus Christ, about healing and nurturing. We need more conversations about healing, love and the Beauty of God in our lives. This world is quickly circling the drain and it is our responsibility to make it stop, to make it change course and to allow Jesus Christ to use His chosen vessels to hand over their tongue, hand over their hands and speak the words and do the work that is pleasing and glorifying to God. What are we doing if this is not our priority? Who, or what, are we serving?

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. ~ Joshua 24:15 KJB

Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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