An Open Letter to Trump: You Can Help Heal Our Nation

An Open Letter to Trump: You Can Help Heal Our Nation by Shane Idleman

Special note. If you prefer to watch instead of read click here. This is my honest and straightforward commentary. Please make sure to read the entire article before commenting and follow me on my brand new Rumble channel.

Whether it’s key evangelical leaders turning on Trump, the media’s outright hatred for him, or the other extreme thinking that Trump is their savior, the divide is deep and the damage is damning.

One side asks, “How can you vote for Trump based on his character?” while the other side responds, “The spiritual direction of the country is the most important matter facing us.”

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They add: “I don’t want to hear about someone’s character when the other side thinks it’s okay to kill a child, even at nine months.”

A Flawed Protector

Some have used the following analogy to better illustrate their position: The head of a Neighborhood Watch program previously had an affair years ago, but he watched over the neighborhood diligently each night.

He often stood against others on the committee who wanted to enact policies harmful to the neighborhood. He was occasionally gruff and impulsive, and sometimes his words were crass and offensive, but he did a good job during the late-night watches.

And here is the dilemma we find ourselves in: “Would you still want that type of person leading your country?” Some say yes, and others say absolutely not!

The Word that Can Change the Nation

The key to uniting and healing our nation is found in a beautiful and powerful word. Be warned, this word is not popular, but it is powerful. It’s frowned upon in corporate America, but it’s highly esteemed in the courts of God.

This word can restore marriages, rebuild broken homes, and lead people to redemption. It’s the cure for the convicted and the way for the lost, and that word is humility.

Healing and hope will only come through humility. Humility puts God on our side: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (Jam. 4:6). Could God be resisting America because of pride? Absolutely!

I’m Hopeful but Not Naive

Granted, I’m not naive enough to believe that Donald Trump could win over Hollywood and the media with humility and meekness. There is a clear spiritual battle taking place in our nation as kingdoms are colliding, but it is possible to bring healing to millions of Americans and their families. Leadership can lead us in the right direction if led by humility.

Stop and simply look at the fruit that is being produced from the pride in our nation. Fruit reveals what seeds were planted (cf. Matt. 7:16) and the stench of our fruit has reached the nostrils of God.

Meek, not Weak Leadership

We need leaders who lead by example – the Biblical example. Humility is life-altering; it changes a nation from the inside out. Imagine if millions of Americans confessed that they have been demeaning and bombastic and that they want to fix that. Humility is not weakness; it’s meekness (strength under control). 

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