What the Republican Party Could Learn from Miracle on 34th Street

What the Republican Party Could Learn from Miracle on 34th Street by Dr Michael Brown for Ask Dr Brown

If the Republicans want to retake the White House in 2024 and gain control of Congress, they would do well to learn some lessons from the 1947 Christmas classic Miracle on 34th Street.

In the movie, Kris Kringle is hired to play Santa Claus for the children coming to Macy’s, one of the biggest stores in New York City.

His methods, however, are not orthodox.

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“Ignoring instructions from the toy department head, Mr. Shellhammer, to recommend overstocked items to undecided shoppers, Kris directs one woman to another store to fulfill her son’s Christmas request. Impressed by Kris’s honesty and helpfulness, she informs Shellhammer that she will now become a loyal Macy’s customer.”

In other words, rather than tearing down his store’s competition, Kringle promoted a spirit of brotherly love and comradery, thereby producing more, not less, customers for Macy’s.

The plot thickens when it turns out that Kringle actually claims to be Santa Claus in the flesh, which the movie seems to verify by the end. That part, however, is not the point of this article.

Instead, I want to state the obvious: If the Republicans tear each other apart for the next two years in the lead-up to the primaries and the general elections, the Democrats could win decisively. If the Republicans can show a united front, the Democrats could lose by a landslide.

Of course, there are a multitude of things that could happen by 2024. But all things being equal, what I’ve stated here is as plain as the nose on my face. (For the record, it is very plain.)

Most of us know that Jesus said, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand” (Matthew 12:25).

That is a universal truth, whether or not one believes in Jesus. Internal division will always undermine, undercut, and destroy.

Similarly, Paul wrote, “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other” (Galatians 5:15).

The sniping has consequences. The infighting is deadly.

Perhaps these two verses can be posted in every political office in the nation? (Now that I think of it, wouldn’t it be great if we learned to live by these principles in our local churches?)

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