Answering the critics of “Died Suddenly” by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack
I respond to a critic and a “fact checker.” You get to decide who is telling you the truth.
The critic, Eric Burnett, MD says there is nothing to see here: these are just regular post-mortem blood clots
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You can watch his video here:
Here’s my take on the blood clot conspiracy from #DiedSuddenly shoutout to @MorteSuiteVita for the great graphic!
— Eric Burnett, MD (@Doctor_Eric_B) November 24, 2022
Then you can read the rebuttal I just got from Ryan Cole, MD and decide for yourself who is telling you the truth and who is lying to you. Please ask Dr. Burnett if he will accept Dr. Cole’s invitation to resolve the matter. He will never accept the invitation.
Dr. Cole’s response to Dr. Burnett doesn’t pull any punches
Eric Burnett, MD is an internist, not a pathologist, nor mortician. The arrogance of inferring that a mortician, a professional, beyond his experience, cannot make a valid observation beyond his own naïveté, is the epitome of hubris. He has likely seen one or two autopsies in his entire career. He has not seen, observed, nor described countless post mortem clots. A gelatinous saddle embolus is “apples to oranges” compared to these post “clot shot” death clots. He has never embalmed a body. He is entirely and exceedingly out of his lane. Post mortem, rubbery clots are as rare as hen’s teeth. He is likely covering his “gene injection” pushing ass. Morticians did not have trouble cannulating and embalming bodies prior to the jabs. He is acting as a bloviating, pharma, financial and hospital administrator defending shill, having zero experience, nor idea of what he speaks.
Something is overwhelmingly wrong with the “clot shot.” If he were half awake, his conjecture would not be reflecting the myopic view of the inside of his inexperienced anus.
With a modicum of humility, he might acknowledge alarming rates of excess deaths in the hyper injected, young and healthy and see the actual harm of failed gene based experimental injections, that have maimed and killed hundreds of thousands to millions.
Having performed countless career autopsies, examined dozens of these novel clots, extensively explored the spike protein clotting mechanisms, diagnosed over 500,000 patients through the microscope, in my extensive career, I invite my colleague, Dr. Burnett, and any colleague, from around the world, to sit at my microscope, and observe the truth, and set aside their purchased pride. The cells don’t lie!!!