Praising God for These 10 Blessings Will Enrich Your Life

Praising God for These 10 Blessings Will Enrich Your Life by Larry Tomczak for Charisma News

With the avalanche of anxiety-producing stories in the news, aren’t you glad we can pause this week and express gratitude to God for our manifold blessings? Let’s consider 10 areas often overlooked that can cultivate the attitude of gratitude we need personally and in our families.

Living in our increasingly secular society, it’s important we remind ourselves and our families of the pertinent facts concerning the holiday of Thanksgiving (yesterday I shared the story with three Jews selling beauty products in our mall after giving them my gospel tract).

In 1863, a Christian president, Abraham Lincoln, proclaimed a national day of “thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwells in heaven.”

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The first Thanksgiving holiday was a joyous event celebrated by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrims who enjoyed a plentiful harvest after their prayers and hard work redeemed a very difficult first year in America. Remember that the Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact stating their purpose in leaving England to come to America was for religious freedom, not selfish greed.

That purpose is clearly stated: “For the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.” Subsequently, they joined together for three days of prayerful thanksgiving to God for the harvest and the blessings He bestowed upon them.

It’s important to review these facts with family members and guests, lest we fall prey to thinking this is just a day off for feasting, football and Friday shopping prep!

As Christians, we always want to cultivate thankfulness in our lives. Recall how Jesus healed 10 lepers yet only one came back to say thank you. God gives us a directive, not an elective: “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thess. 5:18).

We need to develop the habit of giving thanks “in” everything, not necessarily “for” everything that comes our way.

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