Covid Roundup

Covid Roundup

Paul Craig Roberts

Dear Readers,  I have presented you with enough information over the last couple of years for you to have learned that the Covid virus was not the threat it was presented to be and that the “vaccine” was neither effective nor safe.  The Covid virus did not come from a bat cave but from NIH funding first at the University of North Carolina and then Wuhan, China. The “pandemic” was an orchestration for profit, power, and, it appears from the deaths, disabilities, infertility, and stillbirths caused by the “vaccine,” population reduction.  In effect, whether intended or not, the mRNA “vaccines” are bioweapons.

The Pfizer documents released by court order show that Pfizer knew in advance from its testing that the “vaccine” caused miscarriages and stillbirths, heart problems, neurological  problems, and death.  Yet the company and the public health agencies responsible for protecting public health went ahead and created a climate of fear, based on the lie that there was no available treatment, and injected 70% of the US population with an untested substance on an “emergency use authorization.”  

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To put it clearly, the pharmaceutical companies, NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, politicians, presstitutes, medical societies and medical boards coerced a majority of the US population with fear and mandates to play Russian roulette with a “vaccine” that could end or destroy their lives.  

Despite this enormous crime, so far the only demand for accountability is civil law suits.  

Was this enormous evil merely a mistake?  Absolutely not.  As the Pfizer documents that Pfizer wanted locked up for 75 years make clear, the pharmaceutical companies knew of the outsized danger of the “vaccine.”  

Was the vaccine intended as a population reduction measure?  The circumstantial evidence is substantial that it was.  The multi-decade agitation for population reduction by Bill Gates and a passel of elites and organizations and a decade or longer of research to develop the Covid virus suggest that the “vaccine” had an intent that is not acknowledged, but we will never know unless someone confesses.

The process of defrocking doctors, medical scientists, and nurse whistleblowers who provide facts unwelcome by authorities continues.  The whore media has done everything possible to cover up the crime that has been inflicted on humanity.  The evil is so satanic that it will be a miracle if challenging the official Covid narrative is not made illegal.  This outcome seems unavoidable, because if the truth gets out confidence in government collapses.  

It is possible that the public is not sufficiently strong mentally and emotionally to accept the facts.  Government, having got away with the murders of John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, 9/11 used to launch two decades of war in the Middle East and North Africa, and a number of other crimes, is counting on the belief that “our government wouldn’t do this to us.”  Such belief dooms humanity to control by The Matrix.

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