It’s clear that Jesus Christ is the God referred to on Thanksgiving Day throughout U.S. history

It’s clear that Jesus Christ is the God referred to on Thanksgiving Day throughout U.S. history by MichaelNedderman for Life Site News

American presidents have thanked God on behalf of a grateful nation 164 times.

Thanksgiving is a national holiday enshrined in law at 5 U.S.C. 6103. It is a celebration that the Revolutionary-era Congress, Presidents Washington, Madison and every president since it became a national holiday under Abraham Lincoln observed by issuing an official proclamation on behalf of all Americans, explicitly thanking God for blessing and protecting them and our nation.

U.S. presidents have thanked God on behalf of a grateful nation 164 times without any objection!

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Interesting historical examples are when FDR led the nation in prayer (1940), recited the 23rd Psalm in his first wartime proclamation (1942) and, in 1944, urged all Americans to study the scriptures: “to the end that we may bear more earnest witness to our gratitude to Almighty God.”

In light of the growing belief that the American government can only be secular(godless), is it even possible that every one of those presidential proclamations exclusively thanked God as understood by Christians, revealed in and by Jesus Christ? Or is it more likely that the official object of our national gratitude is, and constitutionally must be, a nebulous trans-deity who can be any god, all gods, the deist’s “ungod,” or even the atheist’s “NO GOD!” based upon the subjective perception of each American?

The answer is found in the historical fact that our mostly Christian foundersdedicated this nation to their understanding of God by acknowledging him, not once, but four times in America’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence. Those references are to “Nature’s God,” the “Creator” of all mankind, “divine Providence” and to the “Supreme Judge of the world.”

Using the biblical title every Christian should know, the reference to the “Supreme Judge of the world” in the concluding paragraph of the Declaration is an undisguised prayer to Jesus inserted into Congress’ draft by that document’s actual author, the Christians in Congress:

“… appealing [praying] to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude [righteousness] of our intentions …” [Bracketed content added.]

See this author’s WND article, “Is Jesus in the Declaration of Independence?”demonstrating a symbiotic “God” connection between the Declaration and Constitution.

All of the Declaration’s signers knew what Jesus said of himself:

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