I just talked to embalmer Richard Hirschman about the reaction from Died Suddenly by Steve Kirsch for Steve Kirsch’s Newsletter – SubStack
No interest from the fact checkers or mainstream media on what was presented. What a surprise 🙂
GNN Note – Click the image below to go to the full documentary – Died Suddenly. Unfortunately, we can’t add the code to start the video at the 6:00 mark. If you’ve not seen this, it is high time you did. / END
I just got off the phone with embalmer Richard Hirschman who is featured in the film, Died Suddenly:
If you haven’t seen the whole film, please take just 14 minutes and watch between minutes 6 and 20.
Richard told me that:
- Nobody from the mainstream media is interested in covering the story. No calls. He’s lonelier than the Maytag repairman.
- No fact checker has contacted him about the movie.
- He’s been attacked. The doctors, who have no evidence whatsoever, have determined that these are just regular blood clots and the hundreds of embalmers that say they’ve never seen anything like these clots before are all lying.
- There is no motivation for the embalmers to lie. The vaccine is good for their business. By speaking out, they will reduce their business and run the risk of having their licenses revoked. So why are they lying?
- Richard related the story of people in a hospital talking about the movie. One of the doctors said, “This is just a conspiracy theory.” Another doctor said, “No it isn’t. I know one of the embalmers and I’ve seen this first hand. It’s legit.” The response was, “We aren’t allowed to talk about that” and then they changed the topic.
I’m going to shift my ad campaign to focusing on the clots.
Hundreds of embalmers are seeing these clots in over half the patients who die. If the clots are not due to the vaccine, then what is causing them?