Gratitude In Thanksgiving by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
Another year passes and we are still standing. The joy of the Lord rings loud, rings clear and resinates throughout the land. We are alive in Him.
It is because of you we do what we do. If you weren’t here there would be no reason to operate this website. There would be no reason to search out the news of the day, the commentary from the intellects or to share how God is moving in our world. We are grateful and humbled by your presence. We are thankful that God allows us to continue, day after day, to be in this crazy, mixed up world and to, hopefully, bring a little of His Light, His Living Water and His Living Word to overcome the madness.
This year has seen tremendous growth that you all are not a part of. Several times a week I minister to men who are just out of jail, prison or who have reached the end of their rope and are hanging on until support arrives. Being the last line of defense is an honor that words can not describe. Having a tent set up at the gates of hell is a joy that fills my heart in ways too numerous to describe. Pulling men aside and allowing God to use this vessel to stop them from going through those gates is something I pray you, too, will one day experience. It is an amazing, loving and heart-wrenching experience that I would not trade for all the tea in China. There is no amount of gold that could buy this experience… it must be felt… it must lived.
I thank God, everyday, for renewing my mercies and today is not different. Where would we be without the Love of God?
Heavenly Father, God Almighty, we are humbled by Your presence and we are grateful beyond words for the Love You have for us. We bow before You in honor and praise and ask the work we do in this day, and all the days to come, be pleasing to You. Reign in our tongue and make the words we speak be Your words originating from Your thoughts, Your Wisdom.
Father, we remember those that have gone before us. We pray they are in one of the many rooms in Your mansion. We pray they came to You in the Light of their last moments in this sinful world. We pray all the sons and daughters of the Lord of Host are made welcome and that each of our brothers and sisters come home to You, our Father.
In Your Sons name, Jesus Christ, we pray forgiveness of our sins and for strength to forgive others as You have so mercifully forgiven us. We pray the Holy Spirit fall on us and provide Comfort and Counsel in all our thoughts and all our activities. We pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, that all unclean spirits be rebuked from this space, from our heart, our mind and our soul, that each of them be made to be under foot and remain for all our days.
Thank you, Father God, for Your loving kindness in this day and all the days forevermore.
In Jesus Christ loving name we pray. Amen
Randolph Jason and family wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving celebration.