What A Choice: A Tyrannical World Government Or A Nuclear War

What A Choice: A Tyrannical World Government Or A Nuclear War by  for End Of The American Dream

If you had to choose between living under an extremely oppressive world government or living through a nuclear war, which one would be your choice?  Personally, I don’t like either of those two options, but in recent days western leaders have been trying to convince us that we will either have one or the other.  According to them, either we can submit to a “global order” that is dominated by the values and the agenda of the western elite or we can accept a multipolar world which will eventually lead to widespread chaos and nuclear war.  Needless to say, western politicians are going to try very hard to get us to choose the former.

On Friday, French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Bangkok even though France is not actually a member.

During that speech, Macron lamented the fact that rapidly deteriorating relations between the U.S. and China are tearing the world apart, and he boldly declared that what we really need is “a single world order”

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French President Emmanuel Macron called for world government in a speech Friday, claiming it would avoid conflicts between competing superpowers.

“We need a single world order,” Macron told the audience at the ongoing Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Bangkok, Thailand.

“Are you on the U.S. side or the China side?” Macron asked rhetorically. “Because now, progressively, a lot of people would like to see that there are two orders in this world.”

“This is a huge mistake — even for both the U.S. and China,” he added after comparing the two superpowers to “big elephants” in the geopolitical “jungle.”

Of course when he says that we need a “single world order” he is not suggesting one in which nations such as China and Russia are equal partners.

What Macron and other western leaders envision is a global system that is governed by western rules and western values.

As he delivered his line about a “single global order”, Macron slowed down and pronounced each of the words with special emphasis.

I have a feeling that Macron can picture himself leading a “single global order” someday.

Such delusions of grandeur can be extremely dangerous.

Meanwhile, other western leaders such as U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin are warning that a truly multipolar world would be one that would inevitably lead to nuclear confrontation and nuclear conflict…

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